Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hi Everybody!

As part of our Inquiry unit, Room 9,BBI from New Zealand has decided to put our topic on Citizenship into practice. We have the challenge of performing one kind deed for each day for 17 days, starting from the 27th of March, 2008. Follow us as we blog our Citizenship journey.

My 17 day difference diary

day 1:

Today I made a difference by helping my brother in maths when he got stuck.
I know I made a difference because after that, he kept on saying "nice" or "cool" to me.
I feel happy to help people and I like helping people.


Today I helped my mum make the dinner. I know I made a difference because my mum said nice things to me. I feel good because I don't normally help my mum make the dinner.


Today I helped my mum make sushi. I know I made a difference because my mum said 'thank you'. I feel happy because I helped my mum.


Today I helped my sister at her art homework. I know I made a difference because I used to think that she doesn't need help, but she does. I feel helpful because I helped my sister.


Today I helped my mum do the dishes, and I actually don't wash the dishes much. I made a difference because my mum has lots of things to do and she doesn't have much time, so I helped her.


Today I helped my sister do some riddles in a educational game (which are very hard). After that, my sister said,"Yes! Thank you Boris!!" like that. There were many riddles but I managed to finish it.


I helped my brother do some very hard maths riddles for his maths work. I felt happy to help someone. He has lots of maths to do so I told him the answers I got and told him how I got the answers.


Today was my birthday so my classmates all sang a happy birthday song to me, and I was very happy. I liked my classmates so I gave everyone a Ferraro Rocher. Since my teacher wasn't here today, I reserved a chocolate for her.


I helped my dad move some boxes because there was not much space in his room, so I helped him moved some of them.I was feeling helpful and loyal.. Before I helped him, he said he has sore legs and a sore back so I helped him.


Today I helped my friend from year 7 to do some English homework. He wasn't good at english so I teached him the questions that I helped him with. I feel good to help my friends when they are in a rush or trouble.


Today I particapated in a Buddha festival rehersal. I think this is good citizenship because the festival is religous. There were many peolpe particapating, too. The real festival is happening on Sunday 13 April. They say that more than 1000 people are coming because this temple is big.


Today I brought the clothes back when the clothes were dry. I don't normally bring the clothes back, so my mum was surprised to see me bring the clothes back.


Today I helped my friend Matthew, download Sketchup. He didn't know how to download it so he called me in the night and I helped him download it by telling him what to do. I think he said that the homework was due tommorow. I feel great to help my friends.


Today, a BBI student did'nt know where his house (Rimu) to go to assembly , so I told him where he had to go. He said "thanks" after I told him where he had to go. I felt good to help someone who was lost because when I am lost I don't where to go.

Today my brother's bedroom was so dirty that I cleaned up his room for him without telling him I did it. Then when my brother was going to his room, he said "Who cleaned my room? Whoever did this is so helpful!". I think it is a good way to be a good citizen; Do a favor for someone else without asking or telling them you did it.

Today Jared forgot his coins on his seat next to where he was sitting on at lunch time. So I got the coins and then gave it to Jared. He said "thanks" to me. I feel helpful for doing a good deed.

Today I let my friend burrow my flash drive. He wanted it because he wanted to play my funny clips I got in my computer. He said thanks after. I feel good to help someone like my friend.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I am a good Citizen

I am a good citizen!